I say that I started my journey in October of 1995, not really knowing what that means. But actually I probably started my journey the day I was born, I just didn’t know it then.
In that October I felt that my life was changing. I was starting to look at things differently, and for some more meaning in my life.
By that time, I had done nearly every job in a hotel from Dishwasher and Cleaner to Chef, General Manager and finally Vice President,...but I was not feeling fulfilled. Through discussions with colleagues and friends, my outlook on life started to shift from a materialistic to a more spiritual approach to life.
During that month I read two books, The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss. In the Celestine Prophecy, I saw my life in a mirror at that time. Similar to the story in the book, I felt I had started on a journey to find a meaning in my life and to enlightenment. Again as in the book people I had met before were coming back into my life, as if they had a message for me that perhaps I had missed before. That I could actually realize the synchronicity of these happenings, (before I even knew this word!) was quite a revelation in itself!
I felt I needed to find my Mission in Life and pursue it. Whatever that would bring.