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​The Omen of Astrologer
It was the end of 1998. I was in Yogyakarta, Indonesia working with the Queen of the South resort, we were managing the resort at the time and we were working on our corporate identity program. I had said to the resort manager there, my good friend Urs Metzger, that although our logo was great, for reprinting on t-shirt, caps and other materials the four colour printing would be expensive and perhaps difficult to reproduce consistently.
I suggested we take the figure from our logo, which we call or Spirit Guide, and use that as the abridged version of the logo. Because of the design and printing on our business card, I suggested we make the Spirit Guide in Silver. As Indonesia is renowned for it’s silversmiths, we decided to have some sample, corporate pins made in Silver.
The samples were made, and although they were not quite what we wanted we purchased the samples made. In addition, without being asked, the silversmith, a relative of one of our staff from the resort, had made a silver statue of the Spirit Guide as an additional sample. Although we had not requested this item, I decided as he had put his work into it and as a gesture of appreciation I would purchase this item.
I returned to Hong Kong close to Christmas of 1998. I was in Lan Kwai Fong one night and picked up a copy of the HK magazine, a local free paper distributed throughout Hong Kong. As is my interest, I read my horoscope in this paper. It is now called Free Will Astrology (then it was Real Astology), and written by Rob Bresny in California.
This is what Rob wrote for my star sign, Cancer for the week of December 1998:
“Cancer (JUN 21-JUL22): The omens suggest that in 1999 you may finally materialize a dream you’ve nourished in your imagination for years. Crucial to this success will be your ability to summon more ambition than ever before. I’m not talking about the grubby orgy of self-promotion that normally passes for ambition in our culture, however. I mean soaring aspiration that seeks the best not just for yourself but for everyone. I mean sacred hunger that propels you towards the tasks you cam to Earth to accomplish. To aid you work, Cancerian, buy yourself this holiday present: a big shiny, silver trophy depicting a robust human figure with arms upraised in triumph. Place it where you’ll see it regularly, so that it can impress upon your subconscious mind your looming greatness”
I read this and put the two experiences together. I also wrote an e-mail to Rob explaining this experience. He responded with, “Pretty close huh!”
I, and several of my friends, independently, have found that Rob’s Astrological readings really seem to hit the mark. As they have been good for me, I would recommend them.
Rob’s Real Astrology readings can be found at:
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